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How to order ?

You can buy our decilo products in our decilo shop in Brussels. Simply book an appointment via our website. During your appointment, you will meet one of our certified audiologists to ask questions, select your product and make your 3D ear impressions.
You can also order our decilo products from our website via our online shop.
Your ear impressions are necessary in order to manufacture your custom made decilo products. There are 2 ways to get your ear impressions:
You can make your ear impressions by booking an appointment in our decilo shop in Brussels. We take the impression of your ears thanks to the latest 3D technology which is unique in Belgium.
If you can't come to our shop, it is also possible to make your ear impressions via one of our partner audiologist. Once you have placed an order on our online shop, we will send you a list of certified audiologists in your area by email. This service is included in the price of your order. We have more than 150 points of sale through Belgium and Europe. In this case, your ear impressions will be made using the traditional paste technique.
If we have or if you already have your ear impressions, it is not necessary to make new ear impressions. Simply order your desired products from our online shop.

All our products are manufactured in our workshop in Belgium. We are using the latest 3D technology in our manufacturing process. Each product is polished, lacquered and assembled by hand in our workshop to offer the finest finishes.
The manufacturing time is 10 working days for all our products and 3 weeks for our in-ear monitors.